Tag: curiosidad

Porting 8-bit Sonic 2 to the TI-84+ CE
Enviado por Fabio
If you’re here from the Cemetech or Sonic Retro threads, then you probably already know the gist of this post. I’ve ported Sonic 2 to the…

22/04/24 | medium.com

How an armored Camaro and a special forces officer kept civilians alive in war-torn Bosnia - Hagerty Media
Enviado por Fabio
It’s 1993 in Yugoslavia. At night, amid the remnants of battle, a flat black Camaro emerges from the shadows. Tires crunch over rubble.

13/03/24 | www.hagerty.com

Making a PDF that’s larger than Germany
Enviado por Fabio
We’re gonna need a bigger printer.

05/02/24 | alexwlchan.net

ASCII Theater
Enviado por Fabio
Stream free text-based movies in your terminal.

01/02/24 | ascii.theater

The Mystery of the Bloomfield Bridge
Enviado por Fabio
hay gente con mucho tiempo, pero también la hay con mucho tiempo y dedicación, toda esta increíble investigación para saber por qué cuernos hay un puente peatonal en un lugar absolutamente...

05/09/23 | tylervigen.com

2,200 Forgotten Vintage Computers Are Being Liberated From a Barn in Massachusetts
Enviado por Fabio
The NABU Network was an obscure, forgotten part of Canadian tech history—until the day the internet noticed that thousands of NABU machines were being sold on eBay at rock-bottom prices.

29/06/23 | www.vice.com

Un tanque tiene mejor ángulo de vision que una SUV
Enviado por Fabio
Tantas SUV y pickups gigantes que , al final, un tanque tiene mejor capacidad para ver al frente que uno de estos monstruos callejeros

13/06/23 | localhost

Choum Tunnel: The Monument to European Stupidity in Africa
Enviado por Fabio
The Choum Tunnel was an extremely unnecessary creation from colonialism within Africa. Today we explore why this is.

27/04/23 | www.frrandp.com

Colón e Isabel la Católica en una inaudita historia japonesa de EEUU
Enviado por Fabio
    Esta simpática representación de Cristóbal Colón ante la reina de Castilla, Isabel la Católica , forma parte del Osanaetoki Bankokubana...

12/04/23 | citaclio.blogspot.com

A Sprite, True Love and the Cold War
Enviado por Fabio
1963 was a bad year to fall in love with a girl from the German Democratic Republic – especially if you lived in the Federal Republic of Germany. The Berlin Wall had been erected two years earlier...

13/12/22 | mossmotoring.com

El viaje del Khian Sea: el barco errante de basura
Enviado por Fabio
Era un carguero contratado por la ciudad de Filadelfia para deshacerse de cenizas de basura

12/12/22 | www.vistaalmar.es

Bavljenac, The Island of 1000 Walls - Senses Atlas
Enviado por Fabio
In the middle of the Croatian coast, an islet of derisory size, Bavljenac stands out for its large number of dry stone walls.

08/11/22 | www.sensesatlas.com